Removal of sand from the kidney
Urolithiasis - one of the most widespread pathologies of kidneys. The disease short consists that various salts, in norm dissolved in urine, pass in the insoluble form and form fine formations ("sand") or large ("stones").
The reasons because of which there are stones in kidneys, are very various. Matters both a way of life, and a diet, and some features of a metabolism. Often the reasons happen hereditary and if at your parents, brothers or sisters the urolithiasis is found out, your kidneys too demand attentive and solicitous attitude.
If you have stones in kidneys, symptoms will not keep itself waiting longly. The basic symptom by which the urolithiasis is characterised, is a renal colic. Sharp, very much the severe pain in a loin, lateral departments of a stomach and genitals often is intolerable. Such pain arises, when the stone gets into an ureter. Other, less obvious symptoms of presence of stones in kidneys is a muddy urine, a deposit in urine, discomfort at an emiction.
Sand in kidneys, as a rule, causes similar symptoms. Thus the sharp pain arises seldom. Also it is necessary to remember that the reasons of occurrence of stones in kidneys and sand in kidneys are identical. Therefore sand presence in kidneys can result further in formation of stones.
Some stones in kidneys do not cause the above-named symptoms, and are casually found out during ultrasonic diagnostics. If it is precisely established that you have stones in kidneys, treatment is better for spending in specialised clinic. National methods of therapy (including a phytotherapy), often effective at the diagnosis sand in kidneys, extremely seldom influence a removing calculus from kidneys.
In the centre of a phytotherapy of treatment "HAYR and VORDI BABAYANNER" the removal of sand from the kidney is carried out by means of medicative herbs which the patient uses in the house conditions during a month.