What is the gastritis
The gastritis is an inflammation of a mucosa of a wall of a stomach. There are acute and chronic forms of it enough extended among children, diseases. Acute gastritis often meets among the children, especially among the children at preschool age. And chronic gastritises very often begin at younger school age. It is bound by that at entering in school the general and alimentary regimen of children sharply changes. Besides it is enlarged emotional and an exercise stress. But it often happens that the diagnosis "gastritis" is also put to one-year-old children.
Why the stomach is ill?
The reason of an acute disease at children is various alimentary errors, more often: Regimen and food allowance disturbance; Hyperalimentation;
Reception of a considerable quantity of unusual nutrition (acute, smoked, spicy, fat dishes); Reception very cold (for example, ice-cream) or hot nutrition; The use of unripe fruit, berries;
Reception of substandard or difficultly digested products.
The use of those products to which the child has an individual intolerance can be the reason of acute gastritises also. For example, at the kid strongly pronounced allergic reaction to fiber of the cow milk. It can be shown by reddening and an ecdysis of a skin of cheeks, (an exudative diathesis) and other symptoms. In that case the lesion of the alimentary system in the form of an allergic gastritis is not excluded also. Besides milk an acute allergic gastritis at children such foodstuff as can provoke eggs, bananas, chocolate, wild strawberry, cocoa, beans, peas, tomatoes, citron and others.
The most widespread signs of an acute gastritis:
Abdominal pains;
Feeling of gravity and discomfort in an anticardium;
The temperature (not in all cases) raises.
The acute gastritis has often an effect at night.
In the centre of a phytotherapy of treatment "HAYR and VORDI BABAYANNER" gastritis is carried out by means of medicative herbs which the patient uses in the house conditions during a month.