It is also radiculitis.
The radiculitis concerns the most widespread diseases of peripheric nervous system. We often name any dorsodynias a radiculitis, forgetting that they can be caused various diseases.
Whereas the radiculitis is an inflammatory process in which the fascicles of nervous fibers departing from a spinal cord are involved. Nervous roots can be restrained in result of careless movement or a trauma. It too a radiculitis. The radiculitis severe pains in the field of a back and a neck, remaining as is characteristic at movement, and at rest.
The osteochondrosis, frigorism, backbone traumas, sharp movements and even intoxication of an organism as a result of the transferred infectious disease can become the radiculitis reason.
Diagnose a radiculitis the enemy-neuropathologist on the basis of a X-ray analysis can only.
“HAYR & VORDI BABAYANNER” – the phytotherapy centre guarantees that the radiculitis after treatment disappears a recurrent disease.
Treatments here it is guaranteed.
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